
Dole Spain is now running M3 13.4

december 12, 2023

Dole Spain is running M3 13.4 starting November 2.

We are happy to announce that as of November 2, Dole Spain is using M3 13.4 for its daily business operations. A solution focused on the purchase and distribution of fruit and vegetables from Spanish producers.

The "La Vuelta" project started in April this year and was based on Dole Nordic's solution and platform. A lot could be reused - but it still required new refined and seamless processes in M3 adapted to the Spanish business. The project also integrated Medius for supplier invoices and while the Spanish project was ongoing, we also took the opportunity to deploy some smaller Dole companies in Sweden in the same M3 environment. Together we kept both the deadline, budget and scope.

Mia Johansson, Application Manager at Dole Nordic
"We had a tight deadline because the old system would not be usable next year. We kept the schedule due to great internal responsibility at all levels, a strong and competent local organization in both Spain and the Nordic countries, and experienced consultants from M3CS who are used to working with Dole."

The project manager from M3CS was Daniel Johnsson and he agrees with what Mia says
"I personally had not yet worked with Dole but quickly realized that this is a company with short decision paths and a great willingness to move forward and accept change. A big reason for the quick and successful result has been the cooperation with Dole's knowledgeable and experienced M3 team. Other conditions that are important to point out are that Dole had a stable platform in place that is already used in the Nordic region. This enabled Dole Spain to maintain its processes and not be forced into new ones."

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