
Launch of the La Vuelta project - Dole Spain

maj 11, 2023

Project start for La Vuelta-Dole Spain

On May 8th to 11th we were down in Helsingborg at the Dole-owned company Nowaste Logistics. We were there to participate in a kick-off with process review and fit-gap analysis.

We have been commissioned to implement an M3 13.4 for Dole Spain. The challenges are mainly in the transportation planning between customer order-purchase order and getting it both simple yet flexible. So far, we do not see any major gaps that need to be solved so it seems that we can keep the schedule with go-live in November 2023. On June 18-23, we are on site in Valencia and will then have an environment ready to run UAT1 in.

Dole kick-off Helsingborg

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